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How to Create an 'It Girl' Brand

How to Create an 'It Girl' Brand

Let’s be real—creating an "It Girl" brand isn’t just about looking good on the ’Gram. It’s about crafting a vibe, a lifestyle, a whole mood that others can’t help but be drawn to. In a world overflowing with influencers and brands, standing out takes more than just a few curated posts. It’s about being the trendsetter, the one who gets people talking, and the brand that everyone wants to be a part of. Whether you’re building a personal brand or a service-based business, channeling that "It Girl" energy can elevate your brand from ordinary to iconic. So grab your pistachio milk latte, and let’s chat about how to make your brand the one everyone’s buzzing about in 2025.

Understanding the 'It Girl' Brand: What Sets It Apart

Defining the 'It Girl' Brand in 2025

So, what exactly is an "It Girl" brand? Picture this: It’s the brand that turns heads, the one people mention in conversations because it’s not just a brand—it’s an experience. In 2025, an "It Girl" brand goes beyond being just a pretty face on social media. It’s about being authentic, effortlessly cool, and slightly elusive. Think of it as that girl who walks into a room, and everyone just knows she’s got something special. That’s the kind of energy your brand should exude.

But let’s break it down. For personal brands and service-based businesses, being an "It Girl" means more than just following trends; it’s about setting them. It’s about building a community that doesn’t just follow you—they live for what you put out. Brands like Hailey Bieber’s Rhode and Emma Chamberlain’s Chamberlain Coffee have nailed this. They’ve built brands that feel like a personal extension of who they are, creating cult followings that are both loyal and obsessed.

Key Attributes of a Successful 'It Girl' Brand


Let’s talk about keeping it real. Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the cornerstone of any "It Girl" brand. People can smell fake from a mile away, so your brand needs to reflect the real you. Whether it’s sharing your behind-the-scenes struggles or celebrating your wins, being transparent makes you relatable. Take Emma Chamberlain, for example. She’s made a career out of being unapologetically herself—quirks, awkwardness, and all—and it’s this realness that has earned her a massive, devoted following.


If you want to be an "It Girl," you’ve got to be the one who’s ahead of the curve. Your brand should be the one others look to for what’s next. Remember when Hailey Bieber made glazed donut nails a thing? That wasn’t an accident. She set a trend, and suddenly, everyone wanted to have that same vibe. Find what’s cool to you and make it your brand’s signature.


Who doesn’t want to be part of something special? An "It Girl" brand isn’t for everyone—it’s for those in the know. Creating a sense of exclusivity, whether through limited-edition products, members-only events, or just a selective image, makes people want to be part of your world. Think of Olivia Rodrigo’s SOUR era—her carefully curated, angsty aesthetic made her not just a pop star, but a cultural icon for a generation.

Aesthetic Appeal:

Let’s be honest—looks matter. But it’s not just about being pretty; it’s about having a cohesive, instantly recognizable aesthetic. Your brand’s visual identity should tell a story, one that aligns with your values and vibe.  Look at Rihanna and her beauty brand Fenty Beauty—every visual element, from product packaging to social media, reflects a bold, inclusive aesthetic that’s both edgy and approachable. Fenty Beauty has set new standards in the beauty industry by combining high-fashion vibes with everyday accessibility, making it a perfect example of how a strong visual identity can resonate with a diverse audience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your 'It Girl' Brand

Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how to actually build this brand. This isn’t just theory—these are actionable steps you can start implementing today.

Step 1: Establishing Your Unique Brand Identity

Crafting Your Brand Story:

Every great brand starts with a story. What’s yours? Why did you start your business? What are the values driving you? Your brand story is the foundation of everything you do, so make it count. Use tools like Simon Sinek’s Start with Why to dig deep into your brand’s purpose. Write it out, refine it, and make sure it’s something that not only resonates with you but also with your audience. Remember, people don’t just buy products—they buy stories.

Actionable Step: Write a 500-word brand manifesto that outlines your journey, mission, and what you stand for. Share this on your website’s About page and weave it into your social media bios. This manifesto isn’t just for show; it’s your brand’s heartbeat. Let your audience in on your journey, your why, and what keeps you going. Make them feel like they’re part of your story, not just onlookers. This will build a deeper connection and loyalty with your community.

Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Your USP is what sets your brand apart from the sea of sameness. It’s that one thing that you do better than anyone else. Is it your innovative approach to wellness? Your effortlessly cool style? Your groundbreaking services? Whatever it is, make sure it’s clear and front-and-center in your branding.

Actionable Step: Create a one-liner that encapsulates your USP. This should be the first thing people see when they visit your website or social media profiles. This one-liner needs to be punchy and powerful—think of it as your brand’s elevator pitch. It should immediately convey what makes your brand unique and why people should care. For example, if you’re running a sustainable fashion brand, your USP could be something like, “Redefining fashion, one eco-chic piece at a time.” Make it memorable, make it stick.

Target Audience Persona:

Who are you talking to? Understanding your ideal audience is key to creating content that resonates. Build detailed personas that include demographics, interests, pain points, and what they aspire to be. Use tools like HubSpot’s Make My Persona to get crystal clear on who your audience is.

Actionable Step: Develop three detailed audience personas and use them to guide your content creation and marketing strategies. Start by naming each persona (think “Stylish Sarah” or “Wellness Wendy”) and then dive into their world—what do they care about? What keeps them up at night? What do they dream of achieving? These personas will help you tailor your messaging so it speaks directly to your audience’s heart, making your brand feel like it was made just for them.

Step 2: Creating a Cohesive Visual and Aesthetic Identity

Developing a Distinctive Visual Style:

Your visual style is your brand’s signature—it should be instantly recognizable. Choose a color palette, fonts, and imagery that reflect your brand’s essence. Tools like Canva’s Brand Kit feature can help you maintain consistency across all your platforms. Whether you’re going for moody and mysterious or bright and bold, make sure it’s consistent and true to your brand.

Actionable Step:
Create a mood board on Pinterest or Canva that captures the essence of your brand’s visual identity. Use this as a reference for all your content. Spend time curating images, textures, and even quotes that align with your brand’s vibe. This mood board will be your North Star when designing everything from your website to your Instagram posts. It’s about creating a visual language that your audience can instantly recognize—one that speaks before you do. To make it even easier, download our FREE vision board wallpaper template here. This template is designed to help you visualize your brand’s vibe and keep your inspiration in one place.

Building a Memorable Logo:

Your logo is the face of your brand, so make it memorable. It should encapsulate your brand’s spirit and be something that sticks in people’s minds. This isn’t just about creating something that looks good—it’s about crafting a symbol that truly represents your brand, evoking the right emotions and leaving a lasting impression.

Actionable Step: When it comes to designing a logo that captures the essence of your brand, getting a second opinion—or even expert help—can make all the difference. We’re here to collaborate with you if you need us. Feel free to check out our work here.

Consistency Across Platforms:

Let’s talk about consistency—because it’s everything. Your visual identity should be cohesive across your website, social media, and any physical spaces you operate in. This means your Instagram feed should feel like an extension of your website, and your branding should be instantly recognizable, whether someone’s scrolling through their feed or walking past your studio.

Actionable Step: Audit your current visual presence across all platforms. Identify areas where your branding is inconsistent and create a plan to align everything. This isn’t just about slapping your logo everywhere—it’s about creating a seamless brand experience. Every touchpoint should feel connected, reinforcing your brand’s identity at every step. Take the time to ensure that colors, fonts, and imagery are consistent. This will help your audience build a strong association with your brand, making it more memorable and impactful.

Step 3: Leveraging Social Media for Maximum Impact

Curating a Social Media Presence:

Social media isn’t just a platform—it’s your brand’s stage. This is where you get to show off your style, your vibe, and connect with your audience in real time. Your content should align with your brand’s aesthetic and voice, so every post feels like part of a bigger picture. Use scheduling tools like Later or Hootsuite to keep your content consistent and on-brand.

Actionable Step: Plan and schedule a month’s worth of content that reflects your brand’s aesthetic and voice. Include a mix of posts—behind-the-scenes, product highlights, personal insights, etc. Don’t just post for the sake of it; each piece of content should serve a purpose, whether it’s to inspire, inform, or engage. Consistency is key, but so is variety—mix things up to keep your audience intrigued and coming back for more.

Engaging with Your Community:

Building a community around your brand isn’t just about gaining followers—it’s about creating a loyal tribe that lives for your content. Respond to comments, ask questions, and get involved in conversations. Engagement tools like Sprout Social can help you track interactions and stay on top of your community-building efforts.

Actionable Step: Host a live Q&A session or a virtual event to directly engage with your audience. Make it interactive and personal—this is your chance to connect on a deeper level. Ask your audience what they want to see more of, and use their feedback to guide your future content. This not only strengthens your connection with them but also shows that you value their input.

Collaborating with Influencers:

Influencer marketing isn’t going anywhere, and if you want to amplify your brand’s reach, collaborating with like-minded influencers is key. But it’s not just about the numbers—make sure their values align with yours, and the partnership feels organic. Tools like AspireIQ can help you find influencers that are a perfect match for your brand. If you’re just starting out, consider working with micro-influencers or even fellow small business owners who genuinely love what you do. These partnerships can feel more personal and often result in deeper connections with their followers.

Actionable Step: Identify three influencers whose audience aligns with yours and reach out with a personalized collaboration proposal. Highlight how a partnership could be mutually beneficial. Be sure to choose influencers who genuinely resonate with your brand’s mission and aesthetics. Collaborations should feel natural, not forced—this authenticity will shine through to both your audiences, making the partnership more effective. Just started your business and feeling a little overwhelmed? Start small by connecting with a few micro-influencers or fellow entrepreneurs who vibe with your brand. Shoot them a friendly, personalized message about how you can support each other. Maybe it’s swapping guest spots on your podcasts or giving each other shout-outs on social media. The goal is to create collaborations that feel authentic and mutually beneficial, allowing your shared values to resonate with both of your audiences.

Step 4: Infusing Authenticity and Purpose

Genuine Storytelling:

People crave authenticity, so don’t be afraid to share your story—the real, unfiltered version. Whether it’s through blog posts, social media updates, or video content, storytelling should be at the heart of your brand. Platforms like StoryChief can help you streamline your storytelling efforts across multiple channels, ensuring your message stays consistent.

Actionable Step: Share a personal story on your blog or social media that ties back to your brand’s mission. Make it relatable, emotional, and impactful. Think about moments in your journey that shaped your brand—challenges you overcame, lessons you learned, or milestones you achieved. These stories will resonate with your audience, building a deeper connection and making your brand feel more human.

Purpose-Driven Branding:

Today’s consumers want more than just products—they want to support brands that stand for something. Align your brand with a cause or mission that resonates with your audience. Whether it’s sustainability, mental health, or social justice, make sure your purpose shines through in everything you do. Brands like Patagonia have built their entire identity around purpose, creating a strong, loyal following as a result.

Actionable Step: Find a cause that really clicks with what your brand is all about—it should feel like a natural extension of what you already stand for. It doesn’t have to be a grand, sweeping gesture. Sometimes, the smallest, most genuine efforts are the ones that resonate the most.  For example, if your brand is rooted in wellness, you could support mental health by sharing valuable resources or personal stories on your platform. The key is to integrate it seamlessly into your brand’s story, making it feel authentic and effortless.

Case Studies: Inspiring 'It Girl' Brands

Personal Brands that Exude 'It Girl' Energy

When we talk about "It Girl" brands, it’s impossible not to mention Hailey Bieber. With her skincare brand Rhode, she’s managed to turn her personal style into a full-fledged brand that screams effortless cool. Rhode is all about simplicity and luxury, and it’s Hailey’s authentic, laid-back approach that’s made it such a hit. Her brand isn’t just about selling products—it’s about selling a lifestyle that people aspire to.

Another powerhouse is Emma Chamberlain. Starting as a YouTuber, Emma has built a brand that feels like a genuine extension of her quirky, relatable personality. Her coffee brand, Chamberlain Coffee, is a perfect example of how to turn a personal brand into a business. Emma’s authenticity and unique voice shine through in everything she does, from her podcast to her product line, making her a true "It Girl" of her generation.

Service-Based Businesses with a Cult Following

Drybar, founded by Alli Webb, is a prime example of a service-based business that’s nailed the "It Girl" vibe. Drybar isn’t just a place to get your hair done—it’s an experience. From the chic, consistent branding across all their locations to the exclusivity of their products, Drybar has created a loyal following by offering more than just a service—they offer a taste of luxury and pampering that keeps clients coming back.

Another stellar example is Glossier. While it’s a product-based company, the brand’s roots in Emily Weiss’s blog, Into The Gloss, show how a personal brand can evolve into a global phenomenon. Glossier’s minimalist, inclusive approach to beauty has made it a staple in the beauty routines of women worldwide. The brand’s success lies in its ability to feel both accessible and exclusive—a key characteristic of any "It Girl" brand.

Practical Tips to Maintain and Evolve Your 'It Girl' Brand

Staying Ahead of Trends

To stay relevant as an "It Girl" brand, you need to be a step ahead of the trends. This doesn’t mean jumping on every bandwagon—instead, focus on trends that align with your brand’s core identity. Keep an eye on emerging movements in your industry, whether it’s sustainability, wellness, or new social media platforms. Your brand should evolve with the times while staying true to its original essence.

Actionable Step: Set up Google Alerts for key industry trends and regularly review popular trend reports. Use these insights to adjust your brand strategy and content. By staying informed, you’ll be able to anticipate changes in your industry and adapt quickly, keeping your brand at the forefront of what’s next.

Engaging with Your Community

Engagement isn’t just about responding to comments—it’s about fostering a sense of belonging within your audience. Encourage user-generated content, host interactive events, and create opportunities for your audience to connect with each other. The stronger the community, the stronger the brand.

Actionable Step: Create a “behind-the-scenes” series where you share the day-to-day of running your business—both the highs and the challenges. Invite your audience to ask questions or share their own experiences in the comments. Responding to them and showing the real side of your journey will not only boost engagement but also help build a community that feels connected to you and invested in your brand's growth.

Measuring the Success of Your Brand

Metrics matter, but it’s not just about likes and follows. Dive deeper into your analytics to understand what’s really driving engagement and sales. Tools like Google Analytics can give you insights into your audience’s behavior, helping you refine your strategy. Don’t forget to gather qualitative feedback as well—sometimes, a heartfelt testimonial says more than a thousand data points.

Actionable Step: Create a monthly reporting system where you review key metrics like social media engagement, website traffic, and conversion rates. Use this data to make informed decisions about your next moves. Understanding what works (and what doesn’t) will allow you to continuously improve and evolve your brand, ensuring its long-term success.

Start Building Your 'It Girl' Brand Today

Creating an "It Girl" brand isn’t just about looking the part—it’s about embodying a lifestyle that others can’t help but want to be a part of. It’s about authenticity, strategic positioning, and building a community that feels connected to your values. By following the steps outlined in this guide—establishing a unique brand identity, creating a cohesive aesthetic, leveraging social media, and infusing purpose into your brand—you’ll be well on your way to creating a brand that not only stands out but also resonates deeply with your audience.

So, what’s next? Start by taking the first step—whether it’s refining your brand story, curating your visual identity, or planning your next social media move. And if you’re ready to take things to the next level, don’t hesitate to reach out. Whether you need a branding consultation or just want to bounce ideas off someone who gets it, I’m here to help you create a brand that’s not just admired, but adored. Let’s turn that "It Girl" vision into reality.

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